Sunday, February 28, 2010

Case of the Ex


Time and time again in this single life we find ourselves "playing ourselves" by scrolling through our phone to "his" number. Yes you know who I am talking about! That guy that broke your heart, the guy that wasn't ready to settle down, that guy that didn't love you as much as you loved him. He put you through all this heartache and pain... instead of being alone you call him to keep you warm and in an attempt to not add to your list of lovers right! But why are you settling. Don't you think if you are single you are meant to be that way... so you can focus on you!

While falling for someone who before left you with your heart in pieces for you and your close girlfriends to clean up. You couldn't go to certain places because it reminded you of "him". So why let him back him. We all do! Once or twice until we learn. But come to find out he is still the same fool that you were with before. He hasn't changed and probably never will. He is a good person but just not the one for you. You have to take a step back and see what vicious cycle your putting yourself back into when we all know our feelings never really disconnect. But ask yourself..."Is this relationship healthy?"

What is the difference between then and now? Is he courting you? Is he treating you the way that you deem for new prospects to treat you? Are you holding him to the same standards as the man you would ideally like to date? Then why let him even be in your presence?

I think I have grown tired of going backwards and forward I will go only. If that means spending nights alone. I'd rather be with me... instead of being with a man that doesn't think I am good enough to be with he!

Tell me your story...

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